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Our Guarantee


Flawless results every time!


At Twin Oaks we have been restoring Corvettes for 26 years. Every year we have cars jugded at Bloomington, the NCRS and the Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals. At many of these shows we take multiple cars, for example this year we are preparing five cars for Bloomington. In all of these years, and thru countless shows we have never missed a Top Flight, Bloomiington Gold or Triple Diamond on any car that we have fully restored. 


As you know, in life even with a carefully formulated plan and meticulous execution, occasionally things do not go the way that you had planned. Thats why at Twin Oaks we offer a "No charge, no questions, hassle free guarantee". At the beginning of the restoration process we will sit down with you and determine the overall goal for your car. It may be NCRS Top Flight, Performance Verification, Duntov Award, Bloomington Gold or the Triple Diamond Award. Once the decision is made you can leave your worries with us. If you do not achieve your goal the first time we will cover all labor costs and do what is needed to reach it. We will also pay the entrance fee for your car to the next show. Restoration should be hassle free, so why worry when you can get guaranteed results.

© 2016 by TwinOaksCorvette  563-678-2706

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